Corporate Governance
The Board and the management of the Company (the “Management”) are committed to uphold good corporate governance practices and standards, as part of our collective effort to enhance shareholders’ value. The support of our shareholders is of utmost importance to the successful implementation of the initiatives of Magnus.
We believe that sound corporate governance is vital in gaining and retaining investors’ trust and confidence in Magnus, as well as attracting the interest of new investors. Magnus has in place a set of well-defined policies and processes to enhance corporate performance and accountability, as well as protect the interests of stakeholders. Magnus’ corporate governance practices are set out in our Annual Report with specific reference and adherence to the principles and guidelines of the Code of Corporate Governance 2018.
Magnus’s Full Financial Report for 2019 includes a Corporate Governance Report that describes Magnus’s main corporate governance practices. Unless otherwise stated in the Corporate Governance Report, those practices were in place for the financial year ended 30 June 2019.
Magnus’s Board of Directors now comprises 4 members.
Membership of the Board committees is currently as follows:
Board of Directors
Mr. Michael Grant Pixley (Independent Non-Executive Chairman)
Mr. Charles Madhavan (Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer)
Mr. Chan Choo Onn (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Mr. Budi Rahardjo (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Nominating Committee
Mr. Chan Choo Onn (Member)
Mr. Michael Grant Pixley (Member)
Mr. Budi Rahardjo (Member)
Audit Committee
Mr. Budi Rahardjo (Chairman)
Mr. Michael Grant Pixley (Member)
Mr. Chan Choo Onn (Member)
Remuneration Committee
Mr. Michael Grant Pixley (Chairman)
Mr. Chan Choo Onn (Member)
Mr. Budi Rahardjo (Member)